Reviews - Page 21

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CompanionLink for Outlook - Jun 28, 2020
Fabulous Support | By Nancy G.
Was leaving town & was having sync issues that I needed to fix asap. I knew there was a setting to fix issue, but couldn't find it. Renee identified & resolved in under 5 minutes! And, she pointed out I purchased but didn't install the latest update (oops). She followed up with detailed instructions for the update. I've been using CompanionLink for Outlook for 7 years & the technical support has always been far superior to any other company. Yes, Renee deserves a promotion (but not out of tech support)!
CompanionLink for T&C - Jun 24, 2020
Over Years Phones, Still a CompanionLink Fan | By Dave K
from my Palm Treo to a Blackberry to an Android and now to my second iPhone, I have been with CompanionLink (and Deja Office) for a long time, syncing Time & Chaos info with my mobile device. While CL/DJO work as promised (which is always nice and not necessarily taken for granted), it's the people like Renee and others who are always worth the wait on the phone, providing solid advice and solving problems. I am, and plan to remain, a fan and user.
CompanionLink for Outlook - Jun 22, 2020
General Contractor | By Kirk R.
Renee C. is SUPER. She is patient and thorough with her answers. Upon changing to MS 365, my sync would not sync. She helped me thru and even sent a follow-up email with further details.
I would hope that she answered should i ever have to call for support again.
My Outlook and MS 365 are now connected and sync'ing just fine.
Renee deserves a promotion.
CompanionLink Professional - Jun 19, 2020
Saved The Day | By Steven P.
After an issue where my Outlook calendar was wiped we got the sync with GoldMine back up and everything put back where it should be. Yeah!
CompanionLink for Outlook - Jun 18, 2020
Huge help | By Jeffrey S
Renee C was great-she handled my problem very well-alot of data was wiped out when I installed icloud for windows

She was smart patient and a real person not some type of computer reading off a computer screen.I have been Deja Office for 8 years used it all over the world and I can always count on great customer support no matter where I am
Technical Support - Jun 9, 2020
Tenacious Tech Support | By Roger
Tech Support solved intractable problem with alarms not ringing in Deja Calendar - Tech Support spent untold hours and came up with a work around. In decades of using different applications on numerous platforms, I've never encountered such support.

Thanks, Guys.

DejaCloud - Jun 9, 2020
Best Sync Method! | By Joe S
DejaCloud made syncing so much easier!
CompanionLink for Outlook - May 25, 2020
Great Customer Service | By Andrea P
Renee C. was very helpful and took time to follow up with me after our call to ensure my issue was resolved
CompanionLink for Outlook - May 21, 2020
Support | By Joe Carreno
Thank you Renee for taking the time to troubleshoot the problem I was having and for your support and eagerness to help. The link with the update you sent me did the trick to resolve the issue with the linking between Outlook & Google.
CompanionLink for Outlook - May 20, 2020
Excellent Support | By Blanca M G
I have CompanionLink for many years, once in a while I run into some small problems mainly because I am not savvy in computer matters. When this happens I call for support and immediately get taken care of. Today I dealt with Renee who helped me out to a point that she had to refer me to Amy who in no time resolved my problem. Thanks CompanionLink for your help, patience and wonderful service.