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CompanionLink Express - Aug 26, 2024
Outstanding Tech Support on Outlook synchs | By PaulK
The attention to detail & patience of your tech rep, Tiffany D, in listening to me awkwardly try to explain my ACT!-Outlook synch issues, & resolve them, with detailed feedback and explanation, was over-the-top outstanding. I experienced intermittent synch issues between ACT! & Outlook, during a period Microsoft seemed to be transitioning to a global online/internet email application of calendar, contact & task applications. In seeking direction, CompanionLink even tried to reply to my online request for tech support over a weekend. The tech rep took control of my computer, and work his way, step-by-step, thru the synch programs, explaining his way, toward resolving the conflict issues.
DejaOffice (Android) - Aug 11, 2024
support | By james bifaro
need support direcctly with someone to take over my computer and reset things directly. willing to pay for advanced supprt. e-mail response great but program support information overwhelming causing great time grief and frustrtion.
DejaOffice PC CRM Express - Jul 29, 2024
Replacement to ACT | By Paul E
I have been and ACT user for decades as a single user. With updates to operating systems and other software companies moving to subscription based systems, and i-Phone syncing no longer working well with Outlook, I discovered CompanionLink's DejaOffice. Interestingly enough, I used Companionlink many years ago to sync contact and calendar items between ACT and my Palm Pilot. I was a little concerned about migrating my decades of contacts and data to a new system. I paid the small service fee to have assistance from CompanionLink. That small fee was well worth it. Nathan from Oregon helped me out through the process, then he again was available to move assist when I moved the database to a new laptop. What a pleasure to have technical support from someone in the US that is knowledgeable and helpful. I highly recommend Companionlink and DejaOffice CRM.
CompanionLink for Google - Jul 18, 2024
Excellent way to synchronize Outook with Goog | By Dan W
I have been using CompanionaLink since it was first available and it has been more than worth the price. It automatically syncs data added from my phone or PC. Their support is timely and effective. Highly recommended.
CompanionLink Professional - Jun 28, 2024
Loyal to CompanionLink due to their great ser | By Joe Perez
I've been using CL for +20 years. They always seem to quickly find issues that usually occur because my DV company changed something. Their team is always quick to respond. Recently they even came up with a quick fix so I can be up and running while they work on a larger update. They're the best!
DejaOffice PC CRM Express - Jun 25, 2024
Excellent solution, been using 10+ years | By Cliff L
Sync Outlook desktop, Android, and Google Calendar. This is a powerful solution with a wonderful team behind the product.

You'll be happy!
DejaOffice (Android) - Jun 19, 2024
Deja not synchronizing additional calendars | By Ralf K.
I have one main and some imported calendars in my PC view. The imported calendars even though they seem to be added do not get synchronized into the Android.
DejaCloud - Apr 10, 2024
I've been using DejaCloud for... Ten Years? | By Jorge G
It's the best way I found to sinchronize Outlook with my Android device. Very few issues over the years.
DejaOffice PC CRM Standalone - Mar 22, 2024
My Brain | By Silvio R.
I used a Palm device for years. I kept everything in it that could be of use. When Palm retired, I was left adrift. Until Deja and Companion Link saved the day. I was able to import 10 years of Palm data and restore "my brain".

WiFi sync was not good, but no that good. Then I discovered the Bluetooth sync and it has been downwind ever since.

Thank you guys and gals. You have been there when I have needed it.
DejaCloud - Feb 18, 2024
Best calendar app I have found | By Edard J
Best calendar app I have found. I keep coming back to Deja. I check out other calendar apps just for comparison and I just can't find anything that compares. Thanks for the great job.